Manchester, New Hampshire Speed Traps

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Brown Avenue

Manchester, New HampshireNov 01, 20010 Comments

The stretch of road is off 293 onto Brown Avenue heading for the Airport. Police know people are from out of town and in a hurry. The speed limit is 30 miles an hour althought the speed of traffic on the raod is much higher.

Boynton Street

Manchester, New HampshireNov 01, 20010 Comments

Right before the school zone.

I-93 South, Exit 7 interchange onto 101 East

Manchester, New HampshireSep 01, 20010 Comments

The New Hamshire State Police parks a couple of cruisers right at the tip of Exit 7 on I-93 south during AM rush hour. An officer on foot flags cars over after they’ve been clocked. Posted limit in this area is 55 MPH, but prevailing speeds during rush hour are 70-75 MPH.

Maple St at North St/Front St (Rte 3-A)by Intervale Country Club

Manchester, New HampshireMar 01, 20010 Comments

As a retired Manchester police officer for 25 years some of these location are like shooting fish in a barrel. Most of the guys will give you 10 to 15 MPH over the limit before issuing a ticket, but that depends on traffic conditions, time of day etc. Other locations to watch out for in Manchester are Brown Av down by Tessier St. Especially in summer time (motorcycle units) Also Elm St down by Gas St, and North Elm St by Notre Dame College. Queen City Bridge, and the west bound end of the Norte Dame Bridge. "God speed all travelers"

Campbell St. between No. Union St. and the DW Highway

Manchester, New HampshireOct 01, 20000 Comments

The Manchester PD likes to camp out on Campbell St. in the morning. A police cruiser usually sits in one of the side streets with radar pointing out across Campbell St. Sometimes a portable radar speed indicator is also set up right before the officer. The speed limit on Campbell St. is 30, although with the width of the street and traffic level it could safely be set to 35 or maybe 40. The police seem to mainly pursue those driving 40 or faster.

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