Meredith, New Hampshire Speed Traps
Route 104
7 Miles East of Interstate 93, Exit 23 (New Hampton), on South Side of Route 104.
4/10ths. of a mile East of 4-Way intersection of Route 104, Pease Road and Winona Road.
1.35 Miles West of intersection US Route 3 and Route 104.
Patrolled day and night by both Town & State Police jostle for this coveted speed trap.
From Interstate-93, the trap will be set on the right side of Rte. 104 4/10ths. of a mile after the Pease Road & Winona Road Intersection traffic light 7 miles from I-93.
From Meredith, the trap will be set on your left hand side 7/10ths. of a Mile past the traffic light located at the intersection of Route 104 and Annalee Place & Foundry Ave.
Usually patrolled day & night.
Meredith Fire Dept
Cop sits right in front where the fire trucks will usually turn out. Do not go over 30mph for any reason!
Pleasant Street
Both directions, coming off a 40mph (and going toward the 40mph) in a 20mph wher it becomes Meredith Neck Rd. Behind a dumpster.
Winona Road
1/2 Mile North of Rte 104 on Winona road beside the Meredith Farm Museum. N.H. State Police use this location every 2-3 days a week usually between 7:00 to 10:00 a.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
The posted speed limit is 40 m.p.h. and drivers usually reach 50 -60 m.p.h.
Weekends and Holidays are usually the most patrolled periods.
State Highway 104 near just past Star Mkt heading west
Parked on the shoulder. Speed is 45 MPH after the light at Star Market. Drivers tend to go 55-60 MPH. They do get caught!