New Ipswich, New Hampshire Speed Traps

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Route 124/123 at center of town

New Ipswich, New HampshireSep 03, 20100 Comments

Speed limit drops in center of town from 50, just as you are going down hill (steep hill if travelling east on 124).

Turnpike Road near State Route 124

New Ipswich, New HampshireMar 31, 20080 Comments

At the old highway garage across from the fire station, parks on the side of the road when the school zone speed limit is enforced. Make sure you do 20 or 25 mph when you see him, you can see him easily.

River Road near Cascade Drive

New Ipswich, New HampshireMar 27, 20070 Comments

Cruiser is tucked away on the side of the road. Out of view to oncoming traffic.

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