Sanbornton, New Hampshire Speed Traps

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all over town

Sanbornton, New HampshireFeb 15, 20110 Comments

I don’t believe there are speed traps anywhere in the US, I do believe there are drivers breaking the speed limits.

Knox Mountain Road near the class 6 gate at the very end

Sanbornton, New HampshireJun 01, 20100 Comments

they run radar on Knox Mountain Road near the class 6 gate at the very end of the road. they are there all the time.

Town Park / outhouse area

Sanbornton, New HampshireJun 01, 20100 Comments

Police always do radar at the town park area. They sometimes park near the outhouses and it’s a good hiding spot for them. Watch out speeding down that road. I think the speed limit is only 5-10 mph.

New Hampton Rd.

Sanbornton, New HampshireApr 18, 20100 Comments

Police sit at entrance to baptist church, can get traffic from eather direction, mostly comming from Franklin and traffic comming off I 93

Bay Road – Parking Lot of Persons Concrete

Sanbornton, New HampshireJan 04, 20100 Comments

Sanbornton patrol car sitting in the parking lot usually at night just after the speed goes from 40mph to 30mph, with warning. Patrol car seen on Friday and Saturday nights. Steel Hill night club traffic comes that way too.

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