Barnegat, New Jersey Speed Traps

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West Bay Ave going over GSP bridge to Lighthouse Dr

Barnegat, New JerseySep 10, 20102 Comments

The W. Bay Ave (County Road 554) bridge going over the Garden State Parkway in the past had one lane in each direction with a speed limit of 30 mph in a business area. As of July, 2010 the bridge now contains 6 lanes total, where the west bound side contains 4 lanes (at the bottom of the bridge 2 of the 4 lanes become left turns). The speed limit is still 30 mph, yet the road has an average of 3 lanes in each direction, it is in a business area and rarely do pedestrians ever cross the bridge. Rarely, does anyone travel 30 mph. Most people drive 40-50 mph on the bridge, which the police count on in order to hand out easy tickets.

Barnegat Boulevard opposite Ocean Ave

Barnegat, New JerseyMar 21, 20100 Comments

If you are going down Barnegat Boulevard towards the Dunfee School, there is a dirt road to the left with a gated entrance that leads back into the old Cumberland pit. It’s about 50 yards past Ocean Ave. A patrol car backs into this dirt road and face Barnegat Blvd. He can get cars going in either direction and is well hidden by the brush.

Azalea Ct & Lilac Ln

Barnegat, New JerseyFeb 03, 20091 Comments

Police often hide on Chestnut Way Circle to catch people speeding down the Ravenwood Hill and the stretch between Spruce Circle North/South and Chestnut.

Barnegat Boulevard near Rosehill Road

Barnegat, New JerseyJul 23, 20080 Comments

They sit on the right side of Barnegat Blvd North right after Rosehill on the grass. Sometimes they even block the Left turn lane in the oncoming lane using radar as you come over the hill…Be very careful!

Nautilus Road

Barnegat, New JerseySep 18, 20070 Comments

From beginning in Barnegat to lower end in Stafford – speed is 25 miles per hour. You are bagged if you go 5 miles above limit by both police groups.

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