Bayonne, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Rt.440 South & N.J. Turnpike overpass.

Bayonne, New JerseyOct 21, 20130 Comments

Sits in the medium facing south bound traffic. Running “KA” band at this time.

All Over – Especially if from Out of State

Bayonne, New JerseySep 08, 20100 Comments

Like the poster listed below, the City is 25 MPH throughout see keep your eyes opened. and if you have out of State tags, 25 might still get you pulled over!

Entire City

Bayonne, New JerseyApr 04, 20100 Comments

With a maximum speed limit of 25 miles per hour throughout town, the entire city is pretty much a speed trap as they cops just seem to pop out where ever, around the hospital, town hall, Bayonne Park, 16th street park, 1st street, etc. You can’t argue with them as the entire city is corrupt.

Rt. 440 Bayonne Bridge entering NJ

Bayonne, New JerseyMar 17, 20100 Comments

Bridges are uphill to their central point, then downhill from there. Speed limit is 50 but it’s very easy in this 2 lane highway setting to reach 65-70 MPH on the downhill side, most cars avg 60-65 on this road. Waiting at the bottom of the bridge out of site is a PA police officer with a hand held radar and 3-4 cars writing tickets in a very efficient assembly line. This isn’t safety, it’s revenue production plain and simple.

State Highway 440 near 34th Light Rail

Bayonne, New JerseyAug 22, 20080 Comments

Don’t drive on shoulder, cop parks in service lot by foot bridge over tracks and walks out into traffic. The 440(S) traffic backs up 1/2 to 1 mile from red light at Prospect Ave. There is a right turn only lane that is very short, everyone drives the shoulder to get pass the traffic and make turn. Cop is polite and nice but is HEARTLESS! 100 dollar fine and 4 points for improper passing! You can not see him nor do you have any chance of pulling back in.

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