Bayonne, New Jersey Speed Traps

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State Highway 440

Bayonne, New JerseyAug 16, 20081 Comments

Black Impala is all over 440 north and south, he always changes from different spots. Usually curves, medians, or under overpasses. Also he will pace cars in areas where there is no hiding space. Enforcement is high between 4pm and 11pm!

c Avenue near kennedy Boulevard

Bayonne, New JerseyJul 01, 20080 Comments

at any given time along kennedy blvd and or ave c you will find radar

JFKennedy Boulevard

Bayonne, New JerseyMar 06, 20080 Comments

When your leaving Jersey City entering bayonne right past the bridge on the right handside right in front the school

State Route 440 near A Avenue

Bayonne, New JerseyOct 09, 20071 Comments

While traveling south on Rt. 440 towards Bayonne Bridge, just under the Avenue A sign last exit in NJ Bayonne. He sits in the median. Sunglare at that time usually makes it hard to see him right away.

State Route 440 near Society hill

Bayonne, New JerseyApr 14, 20060 Comments

heading south on route 440 toward Bayonne right after the traffic light by Society hill a cop will be hiding in the median behind the bushes or under the bridge .

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