Bayonne, New Jersey Speed Traps

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State Route 440

Bayonne, New JerseyApr 27, 20050 Comments

After you pass the Getty gas station on Rt440 heading south towrds the bayonne bridge the wall curves in and the cop will back up close up to the curve with ONE wheel on the wall and you wont see him till after you pass him by. this is a new spot they must have gotten aleast 5 cars within 30min and they make up pull off to the AVE.A exit in BAYONNE

Rt. 440

Bayonne, New JerseyAug 06, 20030 Comments

The Bayonne P.D. usually has two or three police cars in an old patio companys storage lot located on RT. 440 right after the 5th Street entrance. The cops look to pull anyone over for speeding or seatbelts. The cops also like to hide at the entrance of the M.O.T. They have two unmarked patrol cars on RT.440 a black 2002 Chey Impala as well as an old beat up black pick-up truck… So keep a good eye out for these unmarked cars.

Rt 440 West

Bayonne, New JerseyFeb 03, 20030 Comments

On Rt 440 Westbound, just as the road begins to incline towards the Bayonne bridge, right before the Kennedy Blvd exit (last exit in NJ), the road widens for a small shoulder. Right where this shoulder starts is frequently a Bayonne or Port Authority cop. You can’t see him until its too late because there’s a barrier wall that blocks the view (hard to explain in words).

Kennedy Blvd and Route 440 and entire town

Bayonne, New JerseySep 16, 20020 Comments

Since the demise of the Hudson County police dept the Bayonne PD have taken up the slack here. They have many marked cars with radar and lasar but their pride and joy is a new 2002 Black Unmarked Impala. This one has the full wheel covers and all. If you ride the blvd watch as they love to hide in front of vans or any other high profile SUV. Also watch all the overpasses as they love to hide behind the bridge pillars.

169 North and South

Bayonne, New JerseyMar 01, 20000 Comments

This is where they want to get you. On your way to the Bayonne bridge going to New York, they love you stop you and keep you there, so you get home nice and late. Be careful

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