Fair Haven, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Foreign Cars of Monmouth Repair Shop on River RD.

Fair Haven, New JerseyNov 23, 20110 Comments

FHPD like to sit in the Foreign Cars lot behind the large green bushes, they’ll catch you if you are heading towards Red Bank (South?) because you don’t see them until you have already past them. The speed limit on this section of the road is 30 m.p.h. so be careful!

all side streets Road

Fair Haven, New JerseySep 26, 20071 Comments

Cops are always on the side street in force they very rairly patrol the main strips to much traffic to catch anyone. The side streets are a gauranteed ticket.

Hance Road near Ridge Road

Fair Haven, New JerseyApr 02, 20071 Comments

The police hide in the trees on the West side of Hance Road, across the street from the Temple. The 25 MPH speed limit is posted and enforced. You never know when they will be there. Mostly in the warmer weather. They Do give tickets.

Fair Haven Rd and Hance Rd

Fair Haven, New JerseyAug 01, 20012 Comments

Speed limit is posted at 25MPH and that means 25MPH.

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