Fanwood, New Jersey Speed Traps
Terrill Rd
Both directions just after or before the railroad bridge. Night time & weekends are the favorites for this spot. Keep it @ 35 mph or else!
South Ave & Princeton Ave
Watch out all along South Ave. Any time, any day. These guys would ticket their own mothers.
South Avenue near Hetfield Avenue
Heading either direction on South Ave in Fanwood, there is almost always a cop sitting behind the bank waiting for people to speed…you can see it if you are heading west, but going east the cop is completely hidden from view
King Street near Martine Avenue
I travel this way every morning. There is now a patrol car on the westbound side of the street, at the foot of the hill, with radar aimed at cars driving eastbound down the hill. Fanwood is notorious for using speed traps as a way of raising revenue.
Midway Avenue near Park Avenue
Fanwood is a very small town. Hint…the cops have nothing better to do then to write tickets. When driving on Midway Ave be careful. The cops will sit on midway and shoot radar at on coming traffic. I mostly see them when I’m going towards park ave/plainfield township direction at night.