Fanwood, New Jersey Speed Traps
Any Road near Any Road
Fanwood is only a mile square and the cops are out every day, moving around many locations. The local newspaper lists ten to twenty traffic stops every week.
Shady Lane near Hetfield Avenue
Unmarked blue car…always there, this time got me at 7:00 am on my way to work.
Martine Ave
There is a Swim Club(I believe Highland Swim Club is the name.) Its set back from the road so you dont see it. Posted signs are for 25mph, problem is, 40mph is the avg speed. The cops do understand this and will only let you get away with 40, NO HIGHER
South Ave.
Fanwood Chippery parking lot. Some times at night a cop will sit in the parking lot facing east. If youre traveling west to east, you cant see them behind some trees.
South Ave
Cops patrol south ave with radar always on in there cars and sometimes the hiding sometimes there driving