Fort Lee, New Jersey Speed Traps
Interstate 95 southbound near Fort Lee
Right after you get off the GWB going towards I.80 the road takes a downhill before it splits up into 80 west express/local… which is right by Fort Lee. There occasionally is a MTA patrol car sitting there on the far right hand side shoulder. Just keep your heads up as i have often blasted down that hill at speed.
Anderson Avenue near Westview
Fort Lee police hide and stand on the sidewalks with portable radar units, pointing them at oncoming traffic. The radar is just past the automated sign that shows your speed (which uses radar as well). They park their marked cars on the side street and wave you down. Be SURE to go not more than 25 MPH near this site!
State Route 5 near Arcadian Way
P.O. sits at the top of the hill where Route 5 comes up into Fort Lee from Edgewater.
State Route 67 near Pal. Interstate Pky. overpass
Officers, in teams of three or four, using cars and motorcycles. VERY strict enforcement, no warnings. You come south on Lemoine Av., under the overpass (slight dip in the roadway)and they say they got you before they can be seen.