Franklin, New Jersey Speed Traps

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North Church Rd

Franklin, New JerseyAug 23, 20100 Comments

They sit on a curve off the side of the road in a dark marked car…just before the bridge, going towards the bridge. They can get you going both ways. This has been a favorite spot for many years.

Wilson Road near Amwell Road

Franklin, New JerseyAug 29, 20080 Comments

This is a 25 mph road which seems to be patrolled by traffic cops regularly. I’ve seen many a car pulled over but I’ve also seen quite a few children riding their bikes and walking along the road (there are no sidewalks) which might explain the activity. Whatever the reason, don’t speed there.

Tuckahoe Road near Victoria Avenue

Franklin, New JerseyFeb 02, 20080 Comments

Police sit in woods, off the side of the road after you pass Victoria Avenue on Tuckahoe Road. The speed limit goes from 50 to 45 after ‘Garoppo Farms’ and is STRICTLY enforced! through to Brewster Road and Route 40 intersection.

Route 55 Expressway near Mile Marker 42

Franklin, New JerseyOct 15, 20071 Comments

Traveling Southbound just past Mile Marker 42.. Under a bridge and around a bend, there in the middle you’ll almost always find a State Trooper.

Kossuth Street near Hamilton Street

Franklin, New JerseyJun 25, 20070 Comments

Franklin Township police tend to stake out this street with marked patrol vehicles. Due to a couple of factors (i.e.: demographically oriented police targeting, a few teenaged drivers) , the FTPD have been fleecing motorists traveling between Hamilton Street and Somerset Street.

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