Franklin Lakes, New Jersey Speed Traps

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State Route 208 South near Ewing Avenue

Franklin Lakes, New JerseyAug 30, 20070 Comments

The Southbound Ewing Avenue exit has an urban legend attached to it so a lot of people get caught trying to do what the legend says will happen. The cops around there are well aware of this and they will pull you over.

Old Mill Road near Lawlins Road

Franklin Lakes, New JerseyApr 09, 20060 Comments

The posted speed limit is 25 but it’s a road designed to do 40 on (of which you can easily do 45 on). The police sit in the borough tennis court parking lot about mid-way down Old Mill next to railroad tracks. If you’re coming down Summit Avenue off 208 (the road name changes to Old Mill after it crosses Franklin Ave) there’s a slight left bend in the road which provides the police a hiding spot when they’re sitting in the borough tennis court parking lot. You don’t even realize they’re there until you’re almost on top of them as they sit back in the entrance to the tennis courts. They’ll let you get away with 30 but don’t go any faster than that. They’re mostly there during AM and PM rush hour during the week and occasionally on the weekends.

State Route 208 near Summit Avenue

Franklin Lakes, New JerseyMay 09, 20050 Comments

He is parked on the grass triangle at Summit ave watching Southbound in such a way that when you see him it is TOO LATE!

State Route 208 near Interstate 287

Franklin Lakes, New JerseyJan 17, 20040 Comments

If you are travelling Route 208 North (towards Oakland) shortly after the Goffel Rd. exit and before you reach Interstate 287 ther is a local town officer that sits on the side of the road on the shoulder, shooting K-Band Radar. It’s a fairly straight road, so if you know about the trap, it’s easy to slow down. I get him with my Radar detector from almost 2 miles away, so he’s never a problem. Be on the lookout.

Route 208 North bet Ewing and Summit Ave.

Franklin Lakes, New JerseyMay 09, 20030 Comments

Off on the grass on the side of the road as you approach Summit Ave. Hard to spot, especially at night.

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