Garfield, New Jersey Speed Traps

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By the City Hall and Meltzers

Garfield, New JerseyJul 16, 20120 Comments

Just as you pass the recently shut A&P on Outwater Lane, there is a cop waiting either in a side street or behind the City Hall

River Road near Lanza Avenue

Garfield, New JerseyFeb 22, 20060 Comments

They usually by the shopping center late night (after 12 trying to catch people). Thats the place with Polish stores and a bank. Across street there is couple used cars dealers. Watch out that place!

Outwater Lane near River Road

Garfield, New JerseyOct 06, 20050 Comments

Cop in the PNC Bank parking lot, across Dunkin Donuts, he usually watches for cars going on red or going straight from turn left only lane coming from Clifon. The cop is usually there in the rush hour from 4pm till 6pm.

Passaic Street near Wesminster PL Street

Garfield, New JerseyJul 06, 20050 Comments

Unmarked cruiser across D’Angelos Pizzeria. (189 Passaic St.)

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