Hardyston, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Wheatsworth Rd

Hardyston, New JerseyAug 23, 20100 Comments

They sit in the area of the driveway that leads to the old quarry. There is a school , park and the municipal building on this road. Also it leads into Hamburg and the name changes to Gingerbread Castle Rd … Hamburg also has traps there

Rt 23, 94, 515, 516

Hardyston, New JerseyFeb 08, 20031 Comments

This town has a bunch of towns in it, Stockholm, Franklin and Hamburg. The limits are reasonable so follow them. If you don’t, you are getting a ticket. They are STRICTLY enforced and so are the seatbelts.

Rte 517, between Rte 23 and the enterance to Crystal Springs

Hardyston, New JerseyJan 28, 20030 Comments

They sit by a big barn and they also do moving radar. If they stop you your getting a ticket no matter what.

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