Holmdel, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Garden State Pkwy

Holmdel, New JerseyOct 01, 20140 Comments

southbound express lanes at Mile Marker 113

RT 35 in front of Ruby Palace

Holmdel, New JerseyJan 28, 20130 Comments

Hiding behind the Ruby Palace sign.. NOT IN PLAIN SITE!

On Line Rd between Van Brackle and Deer Path

Holmdel, New JerseySep 21, 20110 Comments

Traveling South on Van Brackle as you go up the hill, at the top of the hill is a speed trap, they will tell you that you are speeding (going up a hill!) then hit you with a $46.00 seat belt ticket!

State Route RT 35 near Dearborn Farms Parking Lot

Holmdel, New JerseyOct 19, 20070 Comments

At least twice a month there is a speed trap / Random DWI/DUI checkpoint in the Dearborn Farms parking lot on RT 35 Northbound. While driving under the influence is never right, make sure you steer clear if you had a glass of wine or a cocktail with dinner since the hassle you will recieve is not worth it

Centerville Road near The firehouse / EMT ambulance dispatch building next to train tracks

Holmdel, New JerseyOct 19, 20070 Comments

Cops sit in the parking lot of the firehouse / emt station and nail people coming towards centerville over the train tracks. I believe the speed limit is 35 but people fly down the road due to the fact that it is a long downhill straight away. Police are randomly there every day. Ive seen numerous people pulled over there

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