Jefferson Township, New Jersey Speed Traps

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south bound us RT 15

Jefferson Township, New JerseyJul 28, 20140 Comments

there is a post for 40MPH but after the last commercial building for the last 7 years there was a sign posting a new speed sign of 55 mph. After further investigation the 55 mph sign had been physically been damage to the point that it could not be seen.

State Route 15 near Route 80 to Sparta Twsp

Jefferson Township, New JerseyDec 31, 20040 Comments

Several police departments are writing tickets on Route 15 from Route 80 to Sparta Twsp. both Northbound and Southbound. Jefferson Police, NJ State Police, Morris County Park Police and Sheriff’s Department are all issuing tickets on this highway, they are cracking down hard. They can be found sitting in the driveway of almost any business on the highway but usually where the speedlimit has dropped to 40MPH on the southbound side. The speedlimit changes many times both north and southbound with very little warning and the cops are waiting for those that don’t slow down.

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