Lawrenceville, New Jersey Speed Traps
State Route 206 near Across from L’Ville Prep School
Lawrence police will sit in the Drive-Through lanes at the Sun National Bank, which is right by the intersection of 206 and Gordon Ave. They’re usually there after 9 P.M. since the bank is closed.
Bakers Basin Road near Franklin Courner Road
The cop will sit facing the Wachovia bank and watch for speeding of course. Please go the 40mph as posted, I have yet to see him pull someone over but its pretty known that they sit in that area. Most radars go off becuase of the bank anyways but you may want to take that one very cautiously.
Gordon and Bergen Street – Society Hill
At any time of day at any location on either Gordon or Bergen Streets in Society Hill – DO NOT EXCEED 25 mph. Police in marked and unmarked vehicles hiding in park and store parking lots. Wear seat belt, punishment is disproportionate and excessive.
From the I-295/95 and Rt. 1 Junction to the shopping area
Local police sit off to the side of route one from the I-295/95 and Route 1 junction to the Home Depot-Walmart shopping center. Anywhere on the northbound side. On the southbond side they sit in store entrances usually in the evening. Maybe the LAWN FURNITURE store or the Joe’s Crab Shack down a lil firther past the Quakerbridge Mall Bridge. I travel that way alot and find someone pulled over at least 2 times a week. The Northbound drivers are usually cuaght in front of the inspection station just past the JUNCTION overpass, the southbound are usually pulled over near the CRAB SHACK or the JUNCTION bridge.
Near the Route 1 exit on I-295
NJ State Police patrol I-295/I-95 between Pennsylvania and I-295 somewhat regularly. I drive this route regularly in the morning, and see someone nailed about once or twice a week. Sometimes at the Route 1 exit, a trooper is pulled over and just sits there. There is a construction area near exits 3-5 on I-95, and there is often a speed trap in the grassy median facing south. Just keep your eyes peeled, and you should be ok.