Monmouth Beach, New Jersey Speed Traps
Route 36 and Beach Road
Cops will sit in the high rise parking lot or at the entrance to the beach club. At the beach club they sit behind a white brick wall. You can not see them until its to late. They stop you for going through the yellow light and for using your cell phone. Any time your on Ocean Avenue you will see a car pulled over. They write everyone tickets. Do not speed in this town! Monmouth BEach and Sea Bright cops are always trying to out do each other so watch out.
Monmouth Pl.
The cops sit in their retired Capt.’s driveway and hammer people if they go 1 MPH over the speed limit.
Riverdale Avenue Near Rt. 36
They sit on the side of the road or in the rear parking lot of the gas station. Will give tickets for anything above 35mph.
Ocean Avenue (Near the Beach Sand Project)
Cars will sit behind the Jersey barriers put up for the beach replenishment project. Not only will they get you for speeding they also tag on extra fines for being a construction zone. Double points and fines!
Patten Avenue near Patten Ave. Bridge Avenue
Cars will park at the bottom of the bridge and get you as you go down hill. Also sit at Ellis Ct. Very strick will ticket you for doing 5mph above the posted speed limit. Also all residentail streets. Zero tolerance.