Morristown, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Morris Avenue, just east of I-287 crossing

Morristown, New JerseyMay 05, 20110 Comments

The speed limit here on a one-way, extra-wide, 4-lane street is 25 MPH, because rich people live there. Occasionally they will demand enforcement. Officer who stopped me apologized for giving me a ticket. I don’t think the police think it’s the best use of their time either.

State Highway 24 near Interstate 287

Morristown, New JerseyFeb 12, 20040 Comments

The NJ State Police park cars/officers at the westbound side of route 24 at 287. They are parked on the shoulder on the left-hand side (287 south bound shoulder) you CANNOT see them until you are right at the exits, but they can see you all the way down the highway. They stand in front of their cars and pull you over onto the shoulder and give tickets if they see you cutting into the bottleneck traffic jam (jam happens when THEY are hiding there). If you’re going west on 24 and there isn’t any traffic jam near the 287 exits (end of highway), then the police aren’t there that morning. They will sometimes randomly pull people over and search them, ask for insurance/registration, even if you DO NOT do anything illegal, they will still search you from time to time. This happens at least 1-2 morning each month.

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