North Bergen, New Jersey Speed Traps

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North Hudson Park

North Bergen, New JerseyJun 01, 20030 Comments

This is a fairly large county park with many access roads.
The access roads have speed limits of 35 mph, but the county park’s speed limit is 25 mph and signs are either non-existent or very easy not to notice depending on where one gains access to the park.
The police may be hidden behind trees off the shoulder of the road in any area of the park. The only way to be safe here is by strictly keeping under 30mph, as I have seen cars ticketed for doing only 30mph.
This speed-trap has been active for years.

Rt 1&9 (Tonnelle Ave) 93rd St. Overpass

North Bergen, New JerseyJul 30, 20020 Comments

Traveling north on 1&9 past 91st Street, past the cementary there is a high overpass with a blind left hand turn. Imediately after the overpass, ther is a tire shop on the right hand side. In the late evening when there’s little traffic, cops like to wait behind the wall in the parking lot and clock you after you go down the overpass. It is impossible to see them as they are hidden behind a wall and you are too busy looking at the road because of the downhill turn away from them. Just go slow past the overpass and you’ll be fine.

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