Perth Amboy, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Amboy Avenue near Cemetery

Perth Amboy, New JerseyAug 30, 20080 Comments

Traveling towards New brunswic ave, after turning onto Amboy from the 287 on/off ramp intersection. There is a cemetery on the right hand side, when looking around the cemetery you will see I believe 2 small billboards and then the driveway leading into the cemetery, there is also a mosoleum which cops tend to sit in the driveway, facing Amboy ave and parked either next to the mosoleum or next to the gate’s at the front. Go slow.

rt 35 and smith street Crossing near rt 35 and smith street Crossing

Perth Amboy, New JerseyApr 02, 20080 Comments

1.cop sits at the car wash parking lot in perth amboy area and by the movie theathers in south amboy are and sets up a trap for anyone traveling torwards south amboy or in to perth amboy. i believe the speed limit is 50 on the victory bridge and all of a sudden it changes to 25. i could be wrong on the 25 but just go slow.

State Street near Chevron refinery

Perth Amboy, New JerseyFeb 15, 20081 Comments

State St. runs through an industrial refinery area. Travelling south on State St. as you cross over the township line from Sewaren into Perth Amboy the speed limit abruptly changes from 40 to 25 mph. About 1000 Fort south of the point where State St. crosses the creek, cops sit in the parking lot of the unused Chevron building, opposite Maurer Rd.

Amboy Avenue near Inslee Street

Perth Amboy, New JerseyJun 12, 20070 Comments

Police entrap motorist going north and south from the intersection of Inslee street to the end of Amboy Avenue (Woodbridge line). Patrol cars are 75 feet on the south bound side of the intersectionn of Amboy avenue and Inslee street waiting for north and south bound speeders. Signs are posted that read 25 MPH…..almost "zero tolerance" for speeders…

Amboy Avenue near Eagle Avenue

Perth Amboy, New JerseyMay 29, 20060 Comments

Officers sit, hidden from view on cross roads or they like the Cemetary and the property of an auto body shop. Usually there is someone on duty during early rush hour and evening rushhour, but there could be one there at any time of day. Limit is 25mph.

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