Piscataway, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Stelton Road near Eisenhower School

Piscataway, New JerseyMay 03, 20080 Comments

Police sits in the Eisenhower School Parking lot, set back close to the building watching for people speeding. Usually done late in the evening.

Ethel Road near Suttons Lane

Piscataway, New JerseyApr 09, 20082 Comments

Be very careful at this stop sign..( Ethel – Suttons lane ) .. Cops give you a ticket for anything here.. This stop sign is well before the intersection and even if you stop parallel to this sign – traffic is not visible but if you tend to go ahead and again stop – Thats it you have broken the law as per the great Piscataway Township Police Dept… They will give you ticket for it and I know a friend who was asked a mandatory court appereance for it.

WHile in the court as usual township tried to make money by offering him a no point violation (which he can claim twice in 5 years ) and 285$ fine + court fees.. WHen he said he would just plead guilty for not stopping at the traffic light – Great Judge of Piscataway township handed him 186$ fine + $30 court fee….

SO be aware of such small tickets – if there was no court apperance this would have been a $80 fine ticket…

BE VERY CAREFUL while driving in Piscataway – COPS in this township many times park cars in parking lots and hide behind trees with speed guns as well – Its a money making machine in the township.

Ethel Road near Plainfield – Stelton Rd Avenue

Piscataway, New JerseyApr 09, 20080 Comments

Be very careful when you take a left from Stelton Road on to Ethel Road… Cops have multiple cars parked in the parking lot of Fairways Golf and they catch anyone who makes a left turn from Stelton to Ethel for any silly mistake or even if there is no mistake… Piscataway court is just making money on this tickets… BE VERY CAREFUL..

Centennial Avenue near Hoes Lane

Piscataway, New JerseyFeb 23, 20080 Comments

Multiple police cars on a given day, using new license-reading equipment. Both north and south, often at lunch hour.

Lakeview Avenue near New Brunswick Avenue

Piscataway, New JerseyFeb 15, 20080 Comments

Lakeview Ave. in Piscataway between S. Washington Ave. and New Brunswick Ave. (by the Pepsi plant). The 4-lane Road goes through a mostly non-residential industrial area, but it’s only 25 miles an hour. Cops sit in the parking area in New Market Park by the lake, or on the residential side streets (Putnam, Dale and Fairview Aves.) and nab drivers as the zip past.

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