Pleasantville, New Jersey Speed Traps
Blackhorse Pike and Doughty Road
This is a 4 lane highway and the speed limit is 50 miles an hour, except when you cross into Pleasantville. Then it becomes 40 miles per hour. The problem is that nobody will realize this and continue to maintain the speed that the traffic is moving at. If you are riding in the left lane and you have cars in front and back of you, you are most likely to keep up the same speed as the rest of the traffic in that lane is traveling. It is unlikely that traffic in the passing lane will travel at the same speed as traffic in the right lane. Therefore, if the traffic in the right lane suddenly slows down from 50 miles an hour to 40 miles, being that the left lane is a passing lane, those cars will most likely continue at the rate of speed they where doing before they crossed over into the SPEED TRAP and that’s how they get you.
US Highway Atlantic City Expressway near Garden State Parkway
The State Police are using radar between the Garden State Parkway into Atlantic City on the Atlantic City Expressway.
They are un-noticable and clock you at 1 point after the Pleasantville toll and his buddy will pull you over close to Exit 2 or beyond.