Roselle Park, New Jersey Speed Traps

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W Westfield Ave Avenue near Gordon Street

Roselle Park, New JerseyApr 20, 20080 Comments

The officer sites on side of road near the Romarowski Corporation usually off curb line on sidewalk. He is blocked by several trees and faces the eastbound lane of W. Westfield Ave

sumner Avenue near locust Street

Roselle Park, New JerseyDec 09, 20070 Comments

cruiser at bottom of hill,behind old tree offroad.25mph posted,but you will exceed this going downhill coasting.

Southbound Parkway near Exit Number 137

Roselle Park, New JerseyNov 11, 20070 Comments

As you approach the southbound exit #137 for Roselle Park/Cranford, off to the right you’ll see a brown guard rail, and then some very tall grass. The trooper hides on the asphalt siding behind the tall grass. By the time your close enough to see the light rack on top of his car, it’s too late.

Park Ave. approaching Rt. 27

Roselle Park, New JerseyJul 31, 20020 Comments

So I was driving through this Union County Park, in a rental truck. First day driving it, still getting used to it, keeping with the flow of light traffic. Right as I’m about to exit the place, a cop jumps out from behind a tree. I’m serious, like some type of rogue KEEBLER ELF shunned from the magic forest for his inability to get the fudge stripes right! Anyway, I got ticketed, no warning, a perfect record smeared. Watch out, they will sit on their bikes and hide behind trees- kind police officer, but made no bones about enforcing Title 39.

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