Saddle Brook, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Saddle Brook, New JerseySep 10, 20100 Comments

I grew up in Saddle Brook and ot so sick and tired of their nightly road blocks and chicken $hit speed traps… pulling you over for just about anything!!

I moved to Houston, TX in ’86 and have only got 3 speeding tickets in 25years!
It used to be a great town… would move back for any amount of $$$.
I love my friends and family up there but, sorry the cops suck there!

Midland Ave. – Btw Market St. & Rt 46 Overpass

Saddle Brook, New JerseyAug 16, 20100 Comments

BEWARE: A 25MPH zone thta is heavily enforced, Squad Cars park dicreetly on both sides of roadway in a Cul De Sac street to the west and in a Electrical Substation access road to the West.

Lots of activity on weekdays, and occasionally precedes a seat-belt/inspection check point further north on Midland Ave between Market St. and Rt 80.

Good Luck and Be Safe!

Entrance Ramp to I-80 west from Saddle River Road

Saddle Brook, New JerseyApr 27, 20100 Comments

State Troopers sit on the entrance ramp, just before the Parkway exit 62, there is a wide shoulder there and you cannot see them because of the wall and bushes even after you pass them. They seem to come out of nowhere because they are totally invisible to westbound traffic. I have been a victim of this trap twice, one turned into a DWI. Admittedly, my own stupidity.

Westminster Ave & Outwater Ln

Saddle Brook, New JerseyJan 26, 20090 Comments

The police sit in the cemetery driveway far enough back so you do not see them till last minute.Most likely taking radar. This is a 25 MPH zone.

pehle Avenue near saddle river Road

Saddle Brook, New JerseyMay 23, 20080 Comments

office waits at bottom of hill between saddle river road and parkway north entrance to catch drivers heading east going over 25 mph.

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