Scotch Plains, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Direct radar out of Jade Isle, different spot

Scotch Plains, New JerseyJun 19, 20100 Comments

On May 15th, 2010 at 10:15 A.M. and on May 16th, 2010 at 8:37 P.M. Scotch Plains ran a speed trap out of the west entrance to the parking lot of the Jade Isle restaurant as opposed to their usuall meeting place on the far side of the lot as previously posted. It was done with a marked Dodge Charger vehicle pointing diagonaly directly west with at least one P71 Crown Victory backing it up. This radar should be easy to beat being that unless the cop was using handheld laser LIDAR he would only be able to get conclusive readings on the motorists travelling southbound on Terrill Rd. and they were both done when there was considerable traffic. Even without any traffic the trap is in between 2 intersections with traffic lights at Front St. and Terrill Rd. Coordinates of the exact location are 40.641603, -74.403655

the big parking lot of "Jade Isle" asian cuisine restaurant

Scotch Plains, New JerseyMay 10, 20100 Comments

At the traffic lighted intersection of Terrill rd. and E. Second street at the border of of Scotch Plains and Plainfield on the huge parking lot on the northwest corner of that intersection of what is now the Jade Isle restaurant all different marked patrol cars will sit on the far east end facing paralell to Terrill rd. south bound or slightly a few degrees to the officers port side (lefthand side with the car facing forward). They’re known to be here at all different times and also sometimes with another patrol car adjacent to their left hand side pointing in the opposite direction so they can meet with each other. I don’t really see how they could get an accurate radar or even a laser speed reading on a car from this position but … A good general rule of thumb to follow is that if you can see them, they can see you-therefore you would want to see them before they see you. To elaborate on this I quote a direct line from a book written by a notable NMA member called "Beat The Cops: The Guide To Fighting Your Traffic Ticket And Winning" (Here is a simple logical concept that most people seem to ignore: if you are driving in a manner that might cause you to get a ticket, you should definitely be watching for cops.) Coordinates of exact location are usually 40.641815, -74.402952

state hwy 28 aka south ave just before Hetfield rd.

Scotch Plains, New JerseyMay 09, 20100 Comments

If you are travelling south bound on 28 aka South ave. there is often an individual P71 (a Ford Crown Victoria) sitting almost completely out of sight pointing outward of the the driveway in what Google maps identifies as Edward Jones financial. As of this post there is a sign on that part of the building that says "New Jersey Blood Services". Most of the time a Scotch Plains cop is sitting there throughout the hours of sunday mornings, However whenever they are there it is important to note that the car almost always sits on the wrong side of the driveway facing outward (on top of an fat white arrow pavement marking). Obviously this is down to fool you … Also if you are comming from Fanwood going north bound and the cop is on your left hand side it can be just as bad and if race to beat the traffic light at Hetfield and South aka "28" and the cop is sitting you will never have enough time to slow down ! Coordinates of exact location are usually 40.645602, -74.370932

The bank on South ave. and Shady lane at bifurcation in road

Scotch Plains, New JerseyMay 09, 20100 Comments

At the bank on the triangular island inside of South ave aka st hwy 28., Hetfield Rd., and Shady lane. there will often be a P71 (Ford Crown Victoria) or even a Dodge Charger at the small parking lot of what is currently Unity Bank as of this post. This speed trap is on the north bound side of the South ave. and whatever car may be there they virtually always pointing perpendicular to South ave. "28", to the bifurcation (small fork in the roads of South and Shady) or some angle in between. This can be here anytime and has no particualr occurance as opposed to the speedtrap about 100 feet up the road across the street at "Edward Jones Financial" that seems to favor sunday mornings. However I’ve never seen both adjacent speedtraps at the same time-at least not yet … Coordinates of exact location is usually 40.645266, -74.371752

borders of gas stations at North, Hetfield, and Crestwood rd

Scotch Plains, New JerseyMay 09, 20100 Comments

At the northeast and southwest corners of North Ave., and Hetfield ave. which turns into Crestwood rd. after you pass through the Traffic Light if you’re going west bound. On the southwest corner there’s a Lukoil gas station with numerous unoccupied Scotch Plains black&white P71’s (Ford Crown Victoria’s) pointing in different directions over at least six months as of this post. Chances are Scotch Plains probably has a contract with the repair center at that Lukoil for those vehicles. On the northeast corner there’s an abandon Gulf gas station which sometimes has a speedtrap facing southbound on North ave. with rear of the vehicle facing the fence of the neighboring property behind the car. In addition to all this the QuickCheck convenience store across from the Lukoil and next to what is currently a Commerce Bank has some kind of police substation crap setup there. The trap at the old "Gulf" is the only definite one know of-I would just be carefull here. It really isn’t usefull for me to give exact coordinates here however all of this mess is on the other end of a relatively short but steep bridge that goes over the Raritan Valley NJ Transit "orange" train which is on the other side of the other speedtraps often at Unity Bank and Edward Jones Financial.

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