Sea Bright, New Jersey Speed Traps
Ocean Ave
This town has 1 major road in and out. They put officers on the sea wall and pick you off with radar. They are squared away and very scary to question, if they say you’re speeding just agree, I heard rumors they don’t take any crap and will lock you up for disorderly.
Church Street near Ocean Avenue
They will sit near the river behind the green dumpster and get you. This street seems to have no traffic so you lose track of how fast you are going.
Ocean Avenue near entering from Monmouth Beach
The speed limit has been lowered to 30 as you enter Sea Bright – frankly the entire town is a speed trap. Be aware of the speed limit and do not exceed it as you go through town
State Route 36 near Rumson Road
Just as you pass the Sea Bright -Rumson bridge heading into town where the speed limit drops to 30 there is usually a cop hiding behind the fence to the left which is the Sea Bright Beach Club. This is their way of catching drunk drivers as well by ambushing them.
State Highway 36 near Bridge
Sea Bright police have been spotted often right before the Highlands bridge on the Sea Bright side catching people as they come off the bridge and enter the 40 MPH zone.