South Plainfield, New Jersey Speed Traps
Hamilton Blvd after Durham Road towards 287
Hamilton Blvd just prior to St. Nicholas and Ryan the speed limit is 35 mph as marked by signs just to the bridge, after you cross the bridge
heading towards entrance to 287, the speed on Hamilton drops to 25 mph, the claim by South Plainfield Municiple court is that the area is residential, however on the opposite side of the same county road Hamilton Blvd, the speed is marked at 35 mph. I don’t think the NJ DOT
certified the speed change, otherwise the sign just before the bridge would also read 25 mph to give drivers fair warning. Once you go over the bridge it’s somewhat of a blind spot especially at night.
Stelton Road Across From Wendys In front of Verizon Store
Every Thursday they have a trap in Front of Ruby Tuesdays.They have the cops looking to see if you have your seat belt and your inspection sticker is up to date.They start at around 10am to around noon.
Park Avenue near County Trunk 631
Between Maple and Oak Tree road – Look for the Black and White Charger – 25 miles per hour
South Clinton Avenue near New Market Avenue
A squad car sits in the parking lot of a tiny pink bldg/factory on the New Market Ave side, which gives the squad car a clear look all the way down s.clinton ave; that bldg sits right at the "T-intersection" of New Market Ave & South Clinton Ave.
South Clinton Avenue near Hamilton Boulevard
I think its safe to say that anytime of the day throughout the entire town of S. Plainfield, you are possibly subject to being pulled over. Now everyone knows that you do not speed on S. Clinton Ave, especially in the wee hrs of the night or morning, I myself one early morning was cruising down that street knowing that cops are up and down that street day in, and day out, at any given time. I was doing approximately 37mphs to 39mphs purposely because I didn’t want any reasons for getting pulled over. The speed limit on that street is 40mph, Lo n behold, a cop in on coming traffic in the pitch black early morning looks into my car as we’re passing each other, hooks a "U’wee" and follows me until I turned right onto Hamilton Blvd off of S.Clinton, and pulls me over for SPEEDING. I said no way was I speeding, I was doing 37-39mphs; he says, "Well….. Better get your speedometer checked cause I clocked you at 50mphs." Bullsh@t, nothing is wrong with my speedometer; I work in Piscataway, they have digital radar signs all over that town and my speed is accurate to all the readings. The cop was your typical dork too. You know the type, looked like he got smacked around in H.S. thinking to himself, �I�ll show�em! I�ll show�em all!� So when he got older, he became a bigger dork with a gun and a badge. Now I could say some other things about this town and their practices regarding pulling certain folks over, but I’m going to leave that one alone for now.