Stockholm, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Rt 23

Stockholm, New JerseyJul 22, 20110 Comments

Hid in the entrance to Lake Gerard. (Sign is gone-2 large stone pillars on southbound side)

State Route 515 near US Highway 23

Stockholm, New JerseyNov 01, 20070 Comments

Police sit in roadside stops hidden by shrubs and trees.

Rt.23 north and south

Stockholm, New JerseyMar 28, 20030 Comments

These cops like to hide out by victorias moutain inn and headly hardware where the speed limit drops from 55 to 40 on one side and the opposite on the other. the’ll hide just over the brim of a hill so by the time you see them its to late, going down the one hill past the inn and also going up the other to catch people missing teh 40mph sign and gettng them for 15 over (ouch!)

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