Tenafly, New Jersey Speed Traps

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State Route 9 West near E. Clinton Avenue

Tenafly, New JerseyNov 30, 20070 Comments

The cops sit on the shoulder south between clinton avenue and alpine, but they stop anything north and south.

Clinton Avenue near on the steep hill approaching the Jewish Center

Tenafly, New JerseyAug 20, 20040 Comments

Police officer sits in a driveway that parallels road. He monitors both those coming down the hill as well as up the hill. This is a 25mph zone but most people do 40mph. They will randomly assign tickets to the leaders of the pack. AM rush hour and after midnight are the worst.

Piermont Road

Tenafly, New JerseyDec 09, 20030 Comments

On Piermont Rd. going towards Englewood the speed limit is 25mph, however when Piermont goes into Englewood it becomes 40 mph. the police wait on a side st. perpendicular to Piermont rd. as you approach the Englewood border and pull you over in site of the 40 mph sign of Englewood. It is next to impossible to drive 25 mph on this road.

Sunset rd. Cop on side streets. Or right after the hump sitting on side of the street.

Tenafly, New JerseyNov 11, 20030 Comments

Cop sits and waits…. All times of the day. Sumtimes just a truck with a radar gun showing speed…

Grove St. By the swimclub parking lot

Tenafly, New JerseyNov 11, 20030 Comments

cop sits in parking lot on left and shoots radar. About 10 feet from your car. A Lot of kids speeding to get to school!!

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