Waretown, New Jersey Speed Traps

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County Trunk Ocean near State Route 9

Waretown, New JerseySep 20, 20070 Comments

Route 532 from Route 9 going east and west from the Garden State Parkway, exit 68. Speed limits change within short distances, ranging from 25, then 35 to 50 miles per hour.
Trap usually west of school between 35-50 mile zone. They throw in seat belt violations as a kicker.

Wells Mill Road near State Route 9

Waretown, New JerseyJul 18, 20071 Comments

Officers are frequently positione near the intersection at Route 9. Usually there is a car positioned ~ 1 mile from the intersection and a chase car or two positioned below. Posted speed changes from 45 to 35 miles per hour in the portion of Wells Mill Road.

Garden State Parkway near Mile Marker 73.3

Waretown, New JerseyMay 18, 20070 Comments

trap is on the southbound side in the woods

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