Warren, New Jersey Speed Traps

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King George Road near Hunters Trail

Warren, New JerseySep 16, 20040 Comments

3-way intersection of Hunters Trail and King George Road, Police car is located on Hunters Trail as cars pass by from the bottom of a hill.

Morning Glory Road

Warren, New JerseyJul 22, 20030 Comments

Late at night there is most of the time a police car with his
lights off at the only gas station (closed at night) on Morning Glory Road. The car is hiding between cars that are parked for rapair at the gas station. Speed limit is
35mph and you will get a ticket for going 40mph.
The courts in Warren suck also if you are going to fight the ticket!!
It’s a money making scam with them. Also, beware at the bottom of the mountain before you reach the turn off for Rt. 22. There is usually a police car at the bottom of the hill
parked in a driveway or sidestreet.

Mt.Bethel Rd.

Warren, New JerseyMar 17, 20030 Comments

Trap set near ATT building and route 78 on/off ramps.

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