Albion, New York Speed Traps

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Rte. 31 East of Albion… East of cemetery

Albion, New YorkJan 18, 20110 Comments

NYSP like to sit on South side of Rte 31 in farmer’s field behind the billboard and catch you East of Mt. Olivet Cemetery where the speed changes from 35 to 55 mph.

RT. 31 at Bullard Park

Albion, New YorkJan 12, 20110 Comments

Trapping West bound vehicles.

RT. 31 at Tastee Freeze

Albion, New YorkJan 12, 20110 Comments

Trapping West / East bound vehicles in School Zone.
Speed limit is 20 mph when amber lights are flashing.

Albion Village limit before bowling alley east side,98 north

Albion, New YorkOct 28, 20100 Comments

Albion police car sits on east side of Rt 98 facing south towards Village. Just inside 30 mph speed limit. When traveling north out of town. Across from Oak Orchard Estates.

West of Gaines Basin Rd, north side Rt. 31a past stone quarry

Albion, New YorkOct 28, 20100 Comments

State police sit in the trees/bushes on north side of Rt. 31a about 500 ft west of Gaines Basin Rd. and West Lee Rd. intersection.

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