Ballston Lake, New York Speed Traps
Lakehill Rd & Rt 146A
Sheriff’s dept hides in parking lot across from antique store watching vehicles stop at stop sign. If you fail to come to a full stop they will ticket you.
Rte 146A Road near Carney’s Tavern or Ashdown Rd.
Sheriff deputies typically sit in parking lot of Ballston Lake Fire Dept. Somewhat hidden by bldg. (North side of the road.) Posted speed limit is 35mph thru the Town, but it is very easy to find yourself above. Coming from the East it quickly changes from a 45 mph to the 35.
State Highway State Rt 146A near Ballston Lake Firehouse
State police or Saratoga County sheriff cruisers park in firehouse driveway usually clocking traffic southbound in AM, northbound in PM. Speed limit is 35 mph strictly enforced.
Route 146A, near Ballston Lake Fire Department
When vehicles come down the hill right after the intersection with Ashdown Road, the speed limit changes from 45 to 35 drastically while going down hill. Cops like to hide behind the abandoned building next to the fire department.