Batavia, New York Speed Traps

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Parking lot of Old Pet Store as you Enter Batavia

Batavia, New YorkNov 13, 20230 Comments

Just as you enter Batavia there is usually a cop who will sit in the parking lot of a closed down Pet store who speed checks cars. They are pretty visible during the day but at night they are a little bit harder to see.

Near Dave’s Ice Cream

Batavia, New YorkMar 05, 20110 Comments

When the weekends start they will sit back across from Dave’s ice cream in the animal shelter/small claims court parking lot. Also in the small park when it’s open behind the trees quarter mile down the road from Dave’s Ice cream.

Corfu and Darien are dangerous areas.

Batavia, New YorkMar 05, 20110 Comments

I just like to say over all cops from Darien and especially out of Corfu will pull you over. These cops make there own laws, and I suggest if you can go around these towns do so. When there is concerts they will be all over the place pulling people over.

main Street near Mall/Bars

Batavia, New YorkFeb 07, 20080 Comments

Beware if you drive in Batavia anytime between 11-3am you will be pulled over. They are very strict on vehicles around the bar times even if you’re not speeding. High DWI rate. Also check tires for chalk marks… I’ve seen it personally. They mark tires hourly and watch the cars drive by with marks

State Route 63 near Interstate 90

Batavia, New YorkFeb 01, 20080 Comments

coming out of walmart or BJ’s and turning down rt.63 toward Oakfield there is always a state trooper sitting on the side street across from the church just before the bridge over the thruway. Every day rain or shine they are pulling people over for exceeding the 40mph limit.

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