Bath, New York Speed Traps

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anywhere between exit 36 and 39..

Bath, New YorkApr 29, 20110 Comments

They sit under the overpasses and have a dot check point north bound by the pilot truck stop …locales will get you on the exit and county on the connecting roads example Rt. 415 and 54. The state has a ‘bear den’ in Bath, also, and prowl the Interstate like its there own private hunting ground…. good moneymaker for every one.

By the VA Hospital

Bath, New YorkFeb 20, 20110 Comments

Coming off 17/86 east exit 38.Turn left to go to Rt 415. They sit under overpass as you come around curve. Speed limit is 30 mph.

rt 54 north of the hospital

Bath, New YorkJul 07, 20100 Comments

they back up into a farm field drive way and shoot northfor the south bound and shoot tha northbound when you drive back

very popular with a female state trooper from bath station

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