Chappaqua, New York Speed Traps
seven bridges road
going north on seven bridges road, after the last corner before route 133 is a regular radar trap. 30 mph zone but with a long down hill run it’s easy to hit 40 to45 mph just coasting.
route 120
going south on rte. 120 from roaring brook school, radar is often set up in the driveway of wagon road camp in the northbound lanes. another case of a downhill grade that will increase your speed where the speed limit is 35 and gravity will raise that to 45 or 50.
route 120
going south on rte. 120 from roaring brook school, radar is often set up in the driveway of wagon road camp in the northbound lanes. another case of a downhill grade that will increase your speed where the speed limit is 35 and gravity will raise that to 45 or 50.
State Route 120 (Quaker Road) at Wagon Road Camp
Cops often sit at the end of the driveway to Wagon Road Camp and can catch drivers going in either direction. On the northbound side you go around a sharp curve just before the driveway so you can’t see the cop, but you’ll probably be going pretty slow around that anyway. On the southbound side, it’s mostly a downhill straightaway so it’s a good spot for them. You can’t really see them from that side either.
roaring brook Road near Saw Mill Parkway
The car sits at the exit/entrance to the saw mill opposite from readers digest watching over roaring brook road where it goes into the saw mill.