Clay, New York Speed Traps

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Mudmill Road near State Route 11

Clay, New YorkOct 01, 20060 Comments

Traveling eastbound on Mudmill from the Mudmill/Caughednoy Road intersection, as you approach the Route 11 and Mudmill intersection, the Plank Road Park contains a speed trap.

Usually the cop will hide along the entrance road to the park which is hidden from drivers on the road by the trees but a Radar detector will catch him easy. Clay police and NYS Troopers often seen in the AM hours starting around 5 AM to whenever.

State Route 57 near State Route 31

Clay, New YorkAug 02, 20060 Comments

Located across the street from the P&C plaza, there are a couple small buildings next to Advanced Auto Parts. Heading Northbound on Route 57, it is hard to see an officer parked on the other side of one of these buildings. It seems that only lately they’ve started patrolling here, and so far they seem to be pretty successful as I usually see a couple cars pulled over per week.

Stearns Roadern Road near State Route 31 East

Clay, New YorkApr 21, 20060 Comments

Stearns road runs between St. Rt. 31 and Caughdenoy Road approx. 1 mi. This is straight as an arrow and opens up to almost no homes for the last quarter mi. There is a park that offers some cover to the police, and the speed limit is only 30 miles per hour.Turning off of a 55 mph onto a 30 mph that drives like a 55 says it all. Radar runs early in the day varies during the day, but after dark it is too late once you get tagged.

Buckley Road near Henry Clay Boulevard

Clay, New YorkJul 06, 20040 Comments

Police park at the entrance of a hardware store just over the crest of a hill where the speed limit is 45mph. You can see them at the entrance at the side of the road, but they are obviously "tagging" you while you are the 45mph zone, then pulling you over in the 35 mph zone. You have plenty of time to slow down or even come to a complete stop before you even get near the 35mph sign, but it doesn’t matter as they’ve already "lasered" you at "49, or 51 mph in a 35mph zone". The nearest residence on the road is 3/4’s of a mile away, all businesses are closed there at night, and a Safety and Engineering Survey has not been done in 5 years.

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