Clyde, New York Speed Traps

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Route 414 South of the Clyde River Bridge

Clyde, New YorkDec 15, 20090 Comments

The Clyde city limits which has a speed of 30 mph ends soon after you clear the bridge and goes to a 45 mph zone. The 45 mph sign is located so that it is in your face almost immediately. The cops set in a parking lot just before the 45 mph sign so that they nab anyone who started to increase their speed. I have never received a ticket in Clyde, but I have many friends who have. Also, if you question the cops at all you can expect a “combative” note on your ticket.

State Highway 414 near State Route 414

Clyde, New YorkAug 07, 20070 Comments

The village of Clyde is located 13 miles North of I-90 on State Route 414 (the most direct route to Lake Ontario and Sodus Point from I-90). I think speed inforcement fines must be an integral part of supplying the town budget as they patrol CONSTANTLY in brand new cars painted very closely like the NYS Troopers blue and yellow cars. I have never, in numerous trips, gone through the village and not seen at least one speed trap set up. They have several, hard-to-see locations where they set up and are particularly sensitive within the 20 MPH school zone. Entering from the South the speed limit changes from 55 to 45 to 30 inside half a mile, the 45 limit only applying to about 200 yards of roadway! Be careful to yield to crosswalk pedestrians at the marked crossings as well. It is less than 2 miles through the village, end-to-end on 414, so observe the limits very carefully.

W. Genessee Street near Town Park

Clyde, New YorkMay 30, 20050 Comments

Police will usually be parked at the abandon hot dog stand on the corner of west genesee st. (route 31) right across from the park.

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