Crown Point, New York Speed Traps
Rte 9N
Just north of village speed limit drops to 30 mph going down a steep hill.
Speed trap is located at bottom of hill just past bridge over creek.
crown point bridge from Vermont to NY
as you are entering ny state from vermont going steeply downhill you enter a 30 mph zone for less than an 1/8 mile trooper is just over a knoll on the left behind a stone fortification ……to your right in your natural view zone is a sign which indicates 55mph ,yet you are actually in the 30 mph zone. bingo you are toast.
State Highway 9N near State Route 9N
Northbound approaching Crown Point Bridge speed drops to 30 mph. They get you either going toward the bridge into Vermont or after you cross the bridge from Vermont into NY.
NY Route 9N/22, 3/4 mile south of Route 903 intersection
State Troopers sit in a snack cafe parking lot on the corner and can target people coming down either sstraighaway. Since they are wide open straights, the speed is higher than the 55mph posted. This is VERY lucrative because you cannot spot the car until you are right on top of it.
just before crossing Champlain Bridge RT 903
Speed trap is set up in a pull-off on the east side of the road just before the Crown Point Historic site. This pull off is at the end of a mile-long straightaway. You are being clocked before you can see the police. Coming the other way, heading back into NY from Vermont, the pull is hidden on the other side of a rise and you can be clocked with little warning. Radar detectors are useless heading back into NY as the there are rock walls that interfere with it. Troopers sit here occassionally. Essex County sheriffs exploit this area ruthlessly. Speed limit is 30 and is completely unrealistic for the area.