Hinsdale, New York Speed Traps

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Near Olean exits

Hinsdale, New YorkOct 05, 20110 Comments

Officer driving in opposite direction picks off speed of 1st vehicle in passing lane.

No option but to appear in local court to contest.

State Route 16 near go cart speedway

Hinsdale, New YorkSep 02, 20070 Comments

Going south on Rte. 16 about 5 miles south of I-86 headed towards Olean the troopers sit back in the weeds on the west side of the road next to Hobart and also in the go-cart parking lot.

State Route 16 near Fay Hollow Road

Hinsdale, New YorkApr 19, 20070 Comments

In all fairness it is at a dangerous intersection. It is right around the Crosby mini-mart on route 16. Patrols hide behind signs at the edge of the parking lot.

Interstate 86 near Just Past Exit 27, Westbound

Hinsdale, New YorkMar 25, 20060 Comments

Exit 27 (Hinsdale) on Interstate 86 westbound (formerly Route 17). About a quarter-mile past the exit on the right-hand side of the road there is a slight clearing in a area full of brush and trees. It is often use to park construction equipment. There is almost always a State Trooper hiding in the little cove trying to catch speeders. It is generally not a good idea to speed between the Cuba (exit 28) and Olean (exit 30-31) exits as it is heavily guarded with Trooper activity. Troopers mostly hide there during the day, but they have been seen during the night as well.

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