Malta, New York Speed Traps
rt.9 between exit 12 and 13
the speed drops drastically along this route, from 55 to 30 as you are heading south. state police enforced and a trooper barracks on rt.9 near exit 12.
Interstate 87 Northway near Exit Number 13
Exit 13 overpass for Lidar/Laser enforcement – Patrol cars stage in u-turn – or – U-turn just North of exit 13 for radar – pretty heavy enforcement that location.
Interstate 87 near Exit Number 11
This trap is normally done on bright sunny nice weather days. A trooper will hide "not" in a vehicle in the heavly wooded median on the northbound side, Numerous State Police cars will be lined up on the "On Ramp" from Exit 11 they are not visible to the traffic. The trooper in the woods will radio the vehicle description and one of the chase cars will pursue. usually 4 or 5 state police cars participate. This is a summer time operation, and is never done in bad weather.