Morrisville, New York Speed Traps

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State Route 20

Morrisville, New YorkFeb 28, 20110 Comments

Anywhere from the Morrisville village line going westbound to Nelson. Places for the Sheriff and State Police to hide are too numerous to mention and someone is always monitoring that stretch of highway, be aware.

Rt 20 between Morrisvill and rt 46, hammilton exit

Morrisville, New YorkApr 17, 20101 Comments

There is a picnic area on rt 20 where it switches from 55 to 45. There is usualy a NYS trooper sitting there after dark. They will not hesitate to pull you over for minor violations.

Rt 20 between Morrisvill and rt 46, hammilton exit

Morrisville, New YorkApr 17, 20100 Comments

There is a picknick area on rt 20 where it switches from 55 to 45. There is usualy a NYS trooper sitting there after dark. They will not hesitate to pull you over for minor violations.

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