Niagara Falls, New York Speed Traps
Miliary Road from NF Blvd. past Outlet Mall
The speed limit changes from 40 to 30, and radar cops are more than happy to nab you as you pass their traps(s), especially those shopping from Ontario. They sometimes sit in the middle lanes and by the time you pass them, it is too late!
LaSalle Expressway – heading east toward Summit Mall
As you cross over the 77th street bridge, troopers sit at the base of the entrance ramp and nail you from behind as you pass. You won’t see him until his lights come on to pull you over.
Robert Moses Parkway near Just past the 55 sign.
One state parkway trooper with radar on the opposite side of the road and one sitting around 1 mile later who pulls you over.
Lasalle Expressway
South bound traffic is hit by radar/laser setup at turnaround near the Williams Road exit. South bound traffic is coming around long sweeping curve to right and will come upon this turn around quickly.
North bound traffic can be hit from same spot but is more likely to get hit just north of the Buffalo Ave. exit at crest of hill before the overpass.
Robert Moses Parkway
Careful on the Robert Moses. After the Niagara Falls ‘City Traffic’ Exit, speed limit goes from 55 to 35 as you enter the park. Usually sitting in the median