North Hills, New York Speed Traps

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LIE exits 35-37

North Hills, New YorkFeb 08, 20230 Comments

Not so much a speed trap as an over-zealous enforcement zone.
The Village of North Hills Justice Court it’s a TICKET MILL. County police on the expressway will often pull you for a simple violation and proceed to stack tickets on you for multiple violations …whether you’ve committed them or not.
The Judge will refuse to abide by the law by demanding full payment to avoid suspension in spite of the changes made by the Drivers License Suspension Reform Act. According to NY state law, courts must offer a reasonable payment plan to avoid suspension.

Long Island Expressway near Exit Number 34

North Hills, New YorkJan 26, 20080 Comments

Car is parked at the median (HOV lane)just before you exit at Exit 34. There is a recess in the median wall and he is backed into that space. There is a tendency for him to pull over only HOV drivers but there seems to be a "buddy" further ahead to nail anyone in regular lanes

Shelter Rock Road near Long Island Expressway

North Hills, New YorkJun 30, 20070 Comments

It is between the LIE and Northern Blvd on Shelter Rock Road. The unmarked car is usually sitting at an entrance point into one of the many condo sites and almost every time I go to the Manhasset RR in the morning I will see a car that has been stopped and is being ticketed. The speed limit is 35 and 40 on a road that could easily be marked at 50-55 miles per hour It is basically 3 wide lanes on each side with no sharp curves

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