Oswego, New York Speed Traps
End of W. Utica and 5th Ave.
They sit at the end of Utica near the athletic fields and get people coming up the hill on W. Utica.
NY 481 & County Route 45
NYS troopers sit off to the right by the old RC Center and as you approach from the south, heading north, off a curve just after the intersection with County Route 45 you are hit with laser and its too late – speed limit is 55 they hit there every day.
City Line Road
Oswego City Police routinely set up at the Christian School on the Corner of City Line Road and Albany St. They stop and ticket anyone going over 40. It’s a 30 MPH area. Some times it will be an Oswego County Sheriff doing his duty in the same location.
State Route 48 near State Route 48
Sits right by the water station as you are coming out of Oswego on ST Rt 48/W 1st st
Interstate 81 near Mile Marker 126
It’s a U Turn. The U-Turn is on a slight curve.With a little bank blocking its view. They use intant-on Ka at night and constant Ka durning the day. Most of the time State trooper car has no light Bar.