Patterson, New York Speed Traps
Doanburg road
The whole road is a game. They used to only hide at the school parking lots where it drops to 30 but now it’s all over .Heads up on that road stay at 40-45 that’s it. At night especially.
Fair Street (under route 84 overpass)
The sheriff parks his car under the overpass of 84 waiting for speeders who are going to the middle school, high school or using Fait Street as a short cut. The officer will get you in either direction.
Rt 311, 1.5 miles west of Rt 22
This is notorious. A small town feel and you’ll never know what hit you. Coming from the west to east (from I-84 or Rt 164, the speed is 45 and drops immediately to 30. There IS a "Speed Zone Ahead" sign so HEED it. Drop to 30…not 35, not even 31. Disregard the tailgaters who have no idea. It’s your license. They hide in a little dirt patch on the south side of 311…sometimes even in a driveway on the north side. Maintained by Putnam County Sheriff’s Dept and NY State Troopers.
311 Road near State Route 22
After turning off 22 and onto 311, the road turns from 45 to 30. After the sign, there is a bend around a turn. Be sure to be going the speed limit because the sheriffs sit one both sides of the court house, at the train crossing, and the MTA police also sit near the train crossing.
311 Road near Brick House Road
The speed limit changes from 45 to 30 when drivers enter the hamlet. About 300 feet after the 30 MPH sign, there is a slight rise in the road with a place for the police cars to sit. There is usually one sitting there during mid to late afternoon.