Perry, New York Speed Traps

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On rt 39 heading towards castile NY in a vacant store.

Perry, New YorkDec 15, 20140 Comments

The perry police like to hide behind bushes in a vacant store parking lot in the dark. They like to pose as if they are at a gas pump or pull tight next to bushes. The speed trap is located on rt 39 headed twards castile. It is known as the perfect trap on a corner in line with incoming trafic and hiden away from rear oncoming trafic hitting you in the back.
So when you come into town from drive in beware and when headed out of town just past dollar store look right, hard behind bush.

rt 39 east and west end of town

Perry, New YorkMar 02, 20110 Comments

local sit in parking lot at east end of town and by park rd at west end or close to it. be careful they don’t have much else to do

Route 20A at Smith Road (2 miles west of Perry Center)

Perry, New YorkOct 23, 20100 Comments

Police like to sit back up on Smith Road Hill where they can watch 20A. Cars pick up speed going down 20A.

Perry Center cemetery

Perry, New YorkMar 20, 20100 Comments

Sheriff sometimes parked in cemetery driveway

Perry Center

Perry, New YorkMar 20, 20100 Comments

NYS troopers at Kelly Ford

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